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Traveling Gluten Free: How to Make Sure Everyone Enjoys the Trip

Whether you or a family member is traveling gluten free, it is important to know how to make sure everyone enjoys the trip and can eat without worrying. Those who do not live a gluten-free lifestyle due to diagnoses such as gluten intolerance or celiac disease may worry about traveling with someone who has special dietary needs, and the easiest way to ensure this is to plan ahead. Many people who live a gluten-free lifestyle do so without letting it define them, which includes not letting it hold them back from traveling.

So, whether you are setting your sights on the open road or the friendly skies, an adventure that everyone can enjoy is still within reach.

The Key to Gluten-Free Travel

Successfully traveling gluten-free essentially comes down to one primary rule: plan. By this, we mean plan ahead, plan well, and plan for the unexpected.

Many adults who are gluten-free may prefer to have a seat at the table for itinerary planning and meal planning. Adults who are gluten-free likely lived this lifestyle for some time and will already know a great deal about what does and does not work for them. In cases like these, it can be easier to let these individuals help the travel planner with restaurant suggestions as well as any needed modifications to events.

Here is a list of gluten-free tips for travel planning that may be helpful:

  1. Before the planning begins, have an informal conversation with the gluten-free adult to see if they are comfortable traveling to the destination you have in mind.
  2. If the person greenlights those plans, the next step can be to plan a slightly more formal follow-up meeting with them to discuss specifics in terms of potential activities for the itinerary and restaurants.
  3. Be prepared for a range of reactions from this person. Some adults prefer to go with the flow and will research on their own what is safe for them to eat at restaurants you will be stopping at during travel. Others may want to help select the specific eateries you plan to dine at. It is important to listen to what the individual says and then work out a plan together of how you can travel and eat as a group without making them feel singled out.
  4. Understand that your good intentions are appreciated when offering to buy food for the trip, but that your gluten-free family member may prefer to pick out and/or buy their own food. It is normal to feel somewhat slighted when your offer to do something nice is turned down but know that this is usually not the intention. Instead, this can stem more from the fact that there are products marked gluten-free that are not certified (which means it could possibly still contain gluten either by cross contamination or microscopic amounts), and then there are those products that are certified gluten-free which can sometimes offer a greater degree of confidence to the consumer.
  5. Whether you or the gluten-free individual buys gluten-free safe snacks and foods during the trip, be aware that it may be necessary to buy some products at home and bring them with you on your trip. Some products may need to be family sized, so keep this in mind when deciding how you will pack the car or luggage.
  6. Don’t forget the gluten-free factor in activity planning. Since most beer contains gluten, a tour of a brewery might not be the best activity to add to the itinerary. Likewise, visiting an amazing bakery may not be safe or enjoyable for that person.

When it comes to traveling with a child living a gluten-free lifestyle, most of the above tips will still apply. However, their parents will likely want to be active participants with the child in travel planning. It is especially important when traveling with young children to make sure they feel included and not singled out, so plan accordingly.

How to Make Sure Everyone Enjoys the Trip

People tend to have more fun when they feel safe, comfortable, and accepted. Going the extra mile to ensure your gluten-free family member feels all these things about traveling before leaving on the trip can be essential to its success.

When planning what foods might need to be purchased and brought on the adventure, consider shopping online with your loved one for items that are certified gluten-free. Some of our most popular items include:

As mentioned above, it is important to let the gluten-free individual have the last say in selecting what foods and products they feel most comfortable and confident with for the trip.

When determining how to make sure everyone enjoys the trip and stays safe, prioritize adding certified gluten-free items to the meal and snack planning. Then you can ramp up the excitement, fun and plans for your trip and enjoy making new memories!